Types of Protection from Abuse Orders and Their Impacts
When you receive a notice for a Protection from Abuse (PFA), it’s critical to seek assistance from a Kittanning criminal attorney immediately. Ignoring this can drastically change your life. PFAs are usually filed by someone you know well, and they serve as a stern warning to avoid any contact. In Pennsylvania, where there’s no separate category for domestic abuse cases, PFAs help prevent household violence and ensure the alleged abuser stays away from the victim. At Logue Law Group, we’ve gathered information on different PFA orders and their potential effects.
Types of Protection from Abuse Orders
Emergency Protection Order
An Emergency Protection Order is issued in urgent situations and is valid until midnight. An on-call district judge can issue this order if there’s an immediate threat to the alleged victim. If deemed necessary, the judge can issue an emergency PFA without needing evidence or a statement from the accused party.
If you are served with an emergency PFA, it’s essential to consult with an experienced Kittanning DUI lawyer as soon as possible. Kittanning criminal attorney Sean Logue has extensive experience with similar cases and can offer you the needed legal advice.
Ex Parte Temporary Protection Order
The Ex Parte Temporary Protection Order is requested by the alleged victim from the court to secure more long-term protection. The victim must provide substantial evidence to support their claims. Having a seasoned Kittanning criminal lawyer can be a significant advantage during this process. If the evidence is weak, the judge may not enforce severe penalties. However, if the victim’s claims hold, an ex parte temporary protection order will be placed against you.
Final Protection Order
Facing a Final Protection Order means understanding your rights and the consequences is vital. This order aims to be a ‘final’ solution for the victim, lasting up to three years, with options for appeals. Challenging a PFA requires an adept Kittanning DUI attorney to guide you through the legal complexities.
Consequences of PFA Orders
A PFA order establishes strict limitations to protect the victim’s safety and welfare, including:
- No Harm or Harassment: You are prohibited from harming, stalking, or harassing the victim or any minor children involved.
- Enforced Separation: You’re not allowed to live in the same residence as the victim.
- Housing Provision: Suitable housing for the alleged victim must be arranged if they are a cohabiting partner or spouse.
- Child Custody: Immediate custody of any involved children is awarded to the victim.
What to Do When Facing a PFA Case
If a PFA case is filed against you, seeking advice from a Kittanning criminal lawyer skilled in such matters is crucial. Kittanning criminal attorney Sean Logue has effectively represented many clients in similar situations and can provide tailored advice specific to your case. Contact 844.PITT.DUI to arrange a free consultation with Logue Law Group today.