Facebook Use Violation in PFA Orders
If you’ve been served with a PFA order, expect significant changes in your life. The Protection from Abuse Act aims to combat domestic violence, ensuring both physical and mental safety. While Pennsylvania doesn’t have a specific law dedicated to domestic abuse, it addresses it under existing criminal statutes. Therefore, seeking the guidance of a reputable Greensburg criminal lawyer promptly is crucial.
At Logue Law Group, we’ve compiled essential information to help protect you from potential penalties or incarceration. Keep reading to discover how Facebook usage can be affected during a PFA case.
How Facebook Usage Becomes a Risky Affair During a PFA Order
Instances of PFA violations through Facebook have grown increasingly common. Given the prevalence of online communication, it’s no surprise that sending private messages, updating timelines, and sharing public statuses and stories have become daily routines. However, when served with a PFA order, these everyday habits must be curtailed. Failure to do so could result in violations. Remember, the foremost rule of a PFA order is no contact with the plaintiff party. Even something as seemingly innocuous as sending a friend request during court proceedings can be considered a misdemeanor. Your usual Facebook activities must be suspended when you have a PFA order looming over you!
It’s only natural to be curious about the lives of those from whom you’ve separated, especially if you shared a domestic relationship. Engaging in actions like peeking into their social lives, liking or disliking pictures, and sharing posts on their timelines in an attempt to catch their attention may seem harmless. However, these behaviors can land you in significant trouble in civil courts. Get in touch with a trusted Greensburg criminal lawyer to understand how you can manage and mediate your Facebook presence.
Can a Facebook Violation Be Defended in Civil Court?
Are you wondering if a Facebook violation can be defended in civil court? The answer is yes, but only if you have a reputable Greensburg DUI lawyer on your side. While you might consider social media engagements to be insignificant, the court takes them seriously. If you find yourself in trouble for violating social media conduct, your Greensburg criminal attorney can argue that your actions were automatic rather than personal. These social media platforms generate numerous automated responses and activities, providing you with a potential escape from severe penalties and potential jail time (typically up to 6 months or a $1,000 fine).
When facing such emotionally challenging circumstances, you can rely on Sean Logue, one of Greensburg’s criminal attorneys. With extensive experience and a successful track record in PFA case proceedings, he can assist you. Call (844) 748-8384 today to schedule a free consultation session with him.