Navigating the Appeal Process in Pittsburgh: A Guide to Overturning Convictions

Facing a criminal conviction can be a distressing experience, but it’s important to remember that the initial verdict doesn’t always have to be the final say. The complexity of the appeals process in Pittsburgh shouldn’t deter you from exploring every avenue that could positively impact your case.

If you, or a loved one, have been handed a guilty verdict, it’s critical to seek guidance from a seasoned Pittsburgh criminal lawyer. Sean Logue brings a wealth of experience to the table, ready to champion your fight for justice. Whether you’ve encountered an unexpected conviction or feel burdened by an unwarranted sentence, our dedicated attorneys at Sean Logue’s firm are equipped to support you.

Contact Logue Law Group for a no-cost, private consultation with our astute criminal appeals attorneys by dialing (844.PITT.DUI

Understanding Your Right to Appeal Post-Trial

Many view a jury’s decision in a criminal trial as absolute, but the reality often reveals that it’s just one chapter in a larger narrative. If you’ve been declared guilty, consider having a conversation with our team regarding your appellate rights.

Given that the legal system isn’t infallible, an appeal serves as a vital mechanism for defendants to rectify potential errors that might have swayed the judgment in their trial. Defendants can base their appeals on multiple grounds. In contrast, the scope for prosecutors is narrower—a not-guilty verdict against you typically restricts their ability to challenge the outcome, save for some exceptional instances.

Even if you’re uncertain about errors occurring in your trial, consulting with our Pittsburgh  DUI lawyers is a prudent step. Oversights aren’t always immediately apparent, but our astute review of the record could reveal compelling reasons for appeal.

Armed with the knowledge about the appeal’s significance, your next concern should be the legal feasibility of lodging one. Usually, as a criminal defendant, filing an appeal is your rightful privilege.

Nonetheless, certain situations, like accepting a plea agreement, can result in forfeiting this right. Plea agreements frequently involve the defendant consenting to guilty pleas in exchange for more lenient charges and lighter sentences—alongside waiving rights to appeal. If you’ve entered such a bargain, mounting an appeal may present obstacles, though not insurmountably so.

Suppose you’re under the impression that you were unduly pressured into a plea deal or the agreement’s terms differ from what was settled on, our team is here for rapid assistance. Time is of the essence when it comes to contesting the legitimacy of a guilty plea.

Navigating Criminal Appeals in Pittsburgh

If you’ve been convicted of a crime in Pittsburgh, you are constitutionally entitled to challenge the verdict by filing an appeal. This is a critical stage that demands an astute understanding of the markedly different appellate process; thus, it’s essential to enlist a Pittsburgh PFA lawyer well-versed in both Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania appellate procedures to manage your case effectively.

Before proceeding, it’s crucial to note that the right to appeal is exclusive to convicted individuals. Charges that have been dismissed or resulted in acquittal do not qualify for an appeal.

Primarily, there are two pathways for criminal appeals post-sentencing – direct appeals and collateral appeals.

What Can Be Contested Through an Appeal in Pittsburgh

It’s a common misbelief that an appeal serves as a second chance to question a jury’s verdict. While dissatisfaction with the outcome is understandable, appeals are not mere contests of the jury’s judgment.

Determining credibility lies within the purview of the jury (or judge, if it’s a bench trial). Any attorney suggesting that witness credibility or the jury’s decision can be directly contested on appeal may not be offering the most sound advice.

Instead, an appeal rigorously scrutinizes specific legal decisions from the original trial. Generally, the burden falls on the defendant, now the appellant, to demonstrate that a legal misstep occurred at trial. Teaming up with a seasoned Pittsburgh criminal appeals attorney simplifies this intricate process.

On appeal, legal error allegations might address issues such as:

  • Evidence Suppression
  • Statement Suppression
  • Incorrect Rulings on Evidence
  • Questioning the Sufficiency of Evidence
  • Sentencing Issues

Allegations of Prosecutorial Misconduct

Consider that the list above merely illustrates potential grounds for appeal and is not exhaustive.

Success on an appeal varies based on the nature of the claim. For instance, an appeal that overturns a conviction for insufficient evidence could bar a retrial on the same charge, invoking the double jeopardy clause. Conversely, proving an excessive sentence could pave the way for a new sentencing hearing. Most successful appeals, including those dealing with evidence suppression, typically lead to a new trial order.

It’s imperative to recognize that appellate courts typically only entertain claims previously raised in the lower courts, known as “preserved” claims. These can be flagged through various methods, like submitting a motion or objecting during the trial. Unrepresented claims, without a lower court ruling, usually cannot form the basis of an appeal.

Simplifying the Criminal Appeals Process in Pittsburgh

Understanding Appeals After a Conviction

If you find yourself facing a conviction in Pittsburgh, the law permits you to file an appeal, which is an official request to take a second look at the trial’s verdict. This is a vital step that requires deep knowledge of the appellate process, which is quite different from the initial trial. To handle your appeal effectively, it’s important to seek out a criminal appeals lawyer who has expertise in the appellate court procedures for both Pittsburgh and the state of Pennsylvania.

Please keep in mind, only those who have been convicted have the privilege to appeal. If your charges have been cleared or you’ve been acquitted, an appeal isn’t an option.

On the whole, there are two types of criminal appeals you can pursue after sentencing:

  • Direct Appeals
  • Collateral Appeals

What an Appeal in Pittsburgh Entails

It’s often mistakenly thought that an appeal is just a redo of the trial to challenge the jury’s decision. While it’s natural to be unhappy with the outcome, an appeal doesn’t simply revisit the jury’s or judge’s conclusions.

The jury (or the judge in a non-jury trial) is tasked with judging credibility, and any attorney who suggests that you can contest the jury’s or a witness’s credibility during an appeal probably isn’t giving the best advice.

Rather, an appeal meticulously examines specific legal issues that arose during the initial trial. The main job of the person appealing (now called the appellant) is to show that some kind of legal error was made during the trial. Partnering with an experienced Pittsburgh criminal appeals attorney can make navigating through this complex appeal process much easier.

The kinds of legal problems you might raise on appeal include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Prohibited evidence being allowed
  • Improper handling of statements
  • Incorrect legal judgments related to evidence
  • Challenging the adequacy of evidence to support the verdict
  • Sentencing discrepancies
  • Claims of unfair conduct by the prosecution

The success of an appeal depends on the specifics of each claim. Say an appeal successfully shows there wasn’t enough evidence to justify the verdict – this could stop any chance of being retried for the same crime due to the rules of double jeopardy. On the flip side, if your sentence is deemed too harsh, this could lead to a new sentencing hearing. Often, successful appeals, particularly those dealing with the issue of suppressed evidence, result in an order for a new trial.

It’s crucial to realize that the appellate courts typically only accept claims that have been raised and noted during the trial, which are called “preserved” claims. You can mark these through different actions like filing a motion or making objections during the trial. Claims that haven’t been addressed in the lower court usually won’t be considered in an appeal.

Facing a criminal conviction is daunting, but it’s not the end of the line. It’s crucial to act swiftly and secure a legal champion experienced in navigating the complex terrain of Pittsburgh criminal appeals. If you’re grappling with the aftermath of a conviction, don’t tread these waters alone – enlisting stellar legal representation is key.

Even though you have the option to self-represent, caution is advised. Venturing into an appeal without a seasoned Pittsburgh attorney could sharply diminish your chances for success. There’s wisdom in the adage that one Pittsburgh traffic lawyer makes for a hapless client. Our practiced lawyers are adept at deciphering court intricacies from an objective lens, a challenging feat if you’re in your own corner.

What Convictions Do We Tackle?

No matter the nature of your offense – be it murder, theft, or assault – our Pittsburgh criminal appeals lawyer is primed for action. We cover a broad spectrum of crimes across the state, and Sean Logue exemplifies the expertise needed in a criminal appeals counsel. Our team stands prepared to champion your cause whether it’s a direct appeal to the Pennsylvania Superior Court, a discretionary appeal to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, or pursuance of post-conviction relief under the PCRA.

In the federal arena, Sean Logue also caters to those convicted of federal offenses. Count on us to represent you at the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, as well as in federal habeas corpus proceedings, addressing both federal and state prisoner concerns.

When Should You File an Appeal in Pittsburgh?

Pittsburgh sees its fair share of criminal appeals due to certain courtroom scenarios that, while often unavoidable, result in judicial missteps warranting an appeal. Despite judiciary diligence, these errors are significant enough to challenge your verdict. If you suspect that your case was marred by such flaws, our astute Pittsburgh criminal appeals lawyers are at your service to explore and initiate the appeal process.

The Challenge of Jury Selection Bias

Among the leading causes for appeals in Pittsburgh is jury selection bias, which undermines the fairness of your prosecution. The judicial system strives to avert biased juries via meticulous selection procedures that extend over a considerable period. It starts with a sizable jury pool, typically whittled down to twelve jurors with some reserves in tow.

Prospective jurors undergo thorough questioning through detailed forms probing for any prejudices that may affect their judgment, such as biases rooted in race, religion, gender identity, or socioeconomic status.

Both defense and prosecuting Pittsburgh criminal lawyers hold a degree of power in jury selection, having the right to eliminate unfavorable jurors from the roster to uphold the case’s impartiality. If prosecutorial oversight allowed a biased individual to deliberate on your case, grounds for an appeal emerge, paving the way for a reassessment of your verdict.

Challenging Incorrect Evidence Decisions in Court

Understanding Evidence Admission

  • Evidence Relevance: In the legal process, evidence must be directly related to a case to be admissible. Consider being on trial for a particular crime, such as a bank robbery; your past, unrelated misdemeanors should not influence the current case’s outcome. This safeguards against unfair biases that could lead jurors to link a previous arrest to the likelihood of committing a new crime.
  • Illegally Obtained Evidence: The law bars the use of evidence collected without adherence to proper legal procedures. This is encapsulated in the “fruit of the poisonous tree” principle, disallowing evidence, like drugs found during an unwarranted search, from affecting a court’s decision.
  • Appeal for Wrongly Admitted Evidence: If your case involved the use of evidence that shouldn’t have been considered, appealing with skilled attorneys is a critical next step.

When the Prosecution Hasn’t Convincingly Proven Their Case

  • Unfulfilled Burden of Proof: There can be instances where the evidence against you fails to meet the stringent ‘beyond a reasonable doubt’ standard, yet a conviction occurs. One can and should challenge such verdicts, especially when initial dismissal motions, which assert the prosecution’s inability to prove guilt, are overlooked or erroneously dismissed by the court.

The Significance of the Brady Obligation

  • Disclosure Failures: The term “Brady violation” describes a situation where the prosecution withholds evidence that could establish your innocence. It’s unlawful for prosecutors to conceal such “exculpatory” evidence, whether it concerns plea deals with key witnesses, indications of another person’s guilt, or outright confessions from others. Any failure to disclose pertinent information during discovery can form the basis for a valid appeal.

Navigating Pittsburgh Appeals with Promptness

  • Critical Deadlines: The appeals process is bound by strict timelines that are jurisdictional by nature. Missing a deadline can lead to the loss of the opportunity to appeal or seek post-conviction relief.
  • Proactive Measures: Ideally, connect with our legal team prior to your sentencing. Prompt engagement allows us to review your case thoroughly and strategize an effective appeal.
  • Access to Legal Assistance: Regardless of the stage of your appeal, consulting a Pittsburgh criminal appeals attorney is crucial. Even post-sentencing, there could still be avenues available to contest your conviction.

The Pittsburgh Criminal Appeals Journey

  • Navigating the System: Following a conviction, the appellate process might seem daunting and complex, differing greatly from the initial trial proceedings. It takes an adept Pittsburgh DUI  lawyer to steer you or a family member through these intricacies.

Understanding the Appeals Process

When to Initiate an Appeal

For most, the path to appeal begins post-sentencing. Notably, one must set in motion the appeal to the Pennsylvania Superior Court by submitting a notice within a window of 30 days post-sentencing. However, it’s crucial to assess whether an immediate appeal is judicious. In certain scenarios, advancing a post-sentence motion should precede an appeal.

Certain challenges, particularly those involving the sentencing decision itself, necessitate an initial presentation to the trial court, often through a post-sentence motion.

This pivotal move must occur no later than 10 days following sentencing. The ensuing period allows the trial court up to 120 days to deliberate and pronounce a decision on said motion. The expiration of this term without a decision equates to an implicit denial of the motion. Post-denial, or when the motion is tacitly rejected owing to the elapse of the trial court’s decision window, initiating an appeal necessitates filing the notice thereof within the subsequent 30 days.

Milestones and Timelines Post-Appeal Notice

Upon filing the appeal notice—rightly submitted at the trial court that issued the conviction—the court customarily mandates the defense attorney to delineate the issues intended for appeal. This is formalized through a “Statement of Errors Complained of on Appeal,” a procedural obligation under Pennsylvania Rule of Appellate Procedure 1925, typically due within 21 days.

Subsequently, it becomes mandatory for the trial court to articulate a “Rule 1925 Opinion,” detailing the rationale behind its rulings on the contested issues.

In receipt of notification about the ongoing appeal, the Superior Court dispenses a docketing statement to the author of the appeal notice—often a Pittsburgh criminal appeals attorney. This document, seeking foundational details about the case under appeal, requires completion and return to the Superior Court.

Once the trial court composes its opinion, documentation pertaining to the case proceeds to the Pennsylvania Superior Court. Here, appellants will find themselves tasked with the submission of a comprehensive brief and case reproduction approximately 40 days following the issuing of the order—a timeline which is potentially subject to extension upon appropriate motion.

The Gravity of a Well-Crafted Brief

The brief stands as a vessel carrying concise arguments for desired relief, spanning retrials, resentencing, or unconditional release from custody. The craft of a compelling brief is honed with experience and is essential in the appellate process. A potent brief is not the product of an impromptu thought process; rather, it culminates from multiple drafts and diligent reflection.

The reproduced record compiles the essentials for the appellate court’s deliberations. Being contingent on the details of the trial court proceedings and appealed issues, the contents of the reproduced record may vary. Yet, the importance of including critical material cannot be overstated, as appellate courts may outright dismiss claims lacking the necessary documentation. Owing to the grave implications, only a seasoned  Pittsburgh criminal lawyer based in Pittsburgh should undertake this task.

Following the delivery of the appellant’s brief, the prevailing party from the lower court, often the prosecution in criminal scenarios and referred to as the appellee, has a 30-day window to file its counter brief—though extensions are available. The appellee’s brief is a defense of the lower court’s verdict.

The appellant is allowed to issue a reply brief within 14 days following the receipt of the appellee’s brief, to address any new points raised. However, reply briefs may not always be applicable or necessary.

In navigating the complexities of the appellate world, one finds that understanding the right timing, processes, and the meticulous preparation of documents can heavily influence the course of one’s case. It’s a realm where strategy and precision are paramount, all under the guiding hand of professional legal expertise.

Understanding Courtroom Deliberations

The Role of Oral Arguments

While oral arguments don’t occur in every case, they play a vital role when they do. The person appealing, called the appellant, presents their points first, often encountering a volley of questions from the judges. This questioning phase is crucial as it reveals the attorney’s grasp of the case and the robustness of their arguments. Following the appellant, the appellee, or the respondent, puts forth their counterarguments. Occasionally, the appellant will get a chance to address the panel again if they have previously set aside time for this purpose.

The appellate process continues with the three-judge panel from the Superior Court contemplating the case. The timeline for a decision is unpredictable—it could be expedient or drawn out over several months. After deliberation, the judges hold a vote with the majority’s decision becoming the binding resolution. The judge authoring this prevailing view pens what’s known as the “Opinion of the Court,” setting forth the official verdict.

Additional insights or disagreements with the court’s decision are expressed through concurring and dissenting opinions. A “concurring opinion” represents agreement with the judgment but adds the authoring judge’s unique reasoning or comments. In contrast, a “dissenting opinion” is written by a judge who differs on the outcome.

Appeals and Reviews

Not satisfied with the Superior Court’s decision? A party has limited options. They can request a re-evaluation by a broader bench of the same court—known as an en banc review—though this is an infrequent occurrence and necessitates a cogent argument why the initial decision was erroneous.

Another path leads to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. This must be pursued within thirty days after the Superior Court’s decision. Yet, it’s crucial to note that the state Supreme Court doesn’t guarantee a review. One must submit a petition and gain the Court’s approval to have their case heard. During this high court’s review, the appeal procedure mimics earlier stages—briefings and replies—with the addition of nearly certain oral arguments due to the Justices’ extensive prep time and fewer cases to oversee.

Just like in the Superior Court, it is the majority opinion among the PA Supreme Court Justices that shapes the final decision, frequently accompanied by concurring and dissenting opinions that elucidate their stances.

Understanding these judicial processes not only clarifies the path of an appeal but also underscores the complexities of navigating the legal system. Interpretations and decisions hinge on thorough preparation, succinct arguments, and sometimes, the strategic reserves of rebuttal time, reflecting the intricacy of law and its practitioners’ acumen.

Understanding the Post-Conviction Relief Act (PCRA)

Navigating the complexities of the legal world after losing an appeal can feel overwhelming. Here’s an easier breakdown of Pennsylvania’s Post-Conviction Relief Act (PCRA) to help clarify your next steps.

Essential Details of PCRA

  • Timeliness is Crucial: You have one year from the close of your appeals to submit a PCRA petition. Miss this and you could miss your chance.
  • The Exception Window: Life’s unpredictable, and the PCRA understands that. It grants a 60-day grace period for late submissions under extraordinary circumstances.
  • The Fine Print: Calculating these deadlines is intricate. Failing to get it right could be detrimental, so each case demands careful consideration.

Remember, each legal case is as unique as the individuals involved, and broad descriptions like this aren’t a substitute for personalized legal counsel.

Seeking professional advice from a seasoned Pittsburgh criminal appeals attorney remains your best strategy for upholding your rights.

Appealing to the Pennsylvania Superior Court

In the mosaic of the legal system, the Pennsylvania Superior Court emerges as the primary venue for criminal appeals—barring those involving the death penalty.

By the Numbers

  • The Judges’ Load: Imagine balancing nearly 8,000 appeal cases each year. That’s the reality for the court’s judges.
  • Your Right to Appeal: According to the PA Constitution, if you’ve been convicted, you’re entitled to appeal directly to the Superior Court.
  • The Clock is Ticking: Act swiftly; you generally have just 30 days post-sentencing or post-denial of a post-sentence motion to file your appeal.

The Intricacies of Appeal

When appellate courts agree with defendants that there was a reversible error, a new trial tends to be a more common solution. However, successfully appealing a conviction is notoriously difficult, and new trials are not exactly the norm. Many, if not most, cases are not successful on appeal.

Getting The Case Dismissed

An even less common solution to legal errors made during criminal trials is a total dismissal of the case. This is an exceedingly rare possibility and tends to come up when errors are serious and difficult, if not impossible, to reverse. For example, take the scenario from above with the illegally obtained evidence. Suppose we win your appeal, and the court agrees that the evidence should have been excluded from your trial. However

Still have questions regarding the PCRA or the overall appeal process? Don’t hesitate to reach out for a detailed consultation to explore your options.

Understanding the Appeal Process to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court

Navigating the turbulent waters of criminal case appeals in Pennsylvania? The peak of the appellate court system within the realm of the Commonwealth is the venerable Pennsylvania Supreme Court. This esteemed court, steeped in history, stands as the oldest of its kind in the nation. If an attempt to overturn a criminal case falters in the intermediate Superior Court, the instinct is often to make a beeline for the pinnacle court.

However, access to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court isn’t a guaranteed path. Entry requires submitting a special request — a Request for Permission to Appeal, This crucial document should clearly articulate the reason for your case merits the attention of these upper echelon justices.

Each year, the PA Supreme Court is flooded with about 2,000 appeals requests, but only a slim fraction—2-3%—catch the eye for further review. Even more striking, this already slender percentage has witnessed a downtrend in recent times.

Why would the Supreme Court take a magnifying glass to certain cases? It eyes several critical criteria:

  • When Superior Court judges can’t see eye to eye onNavigating Deadlines with Expertise: With an array of orders and accompanying specific deadlines, it’s vital to engage a lawyer who’s deeply versed in criminal appeals.
  • Presentation Matters: Appeals are restricted to areas previously contested in lower courts. Overlook this, and the court might not even review key aspects of your case.
  • The ‘Waiver’ Trap: A misstep as simple as an underdeveloped argument in a brief can derail your appeal.
  • The Weight of Expertise: The significance of employing a legal expert not just rests on their knowledge but their experience in articulating a robust, clear, and persuasive argument.

The Superior Court judges are genuinely eager to ensure justice is served, but they rely heavily on the way claims are framed.

  • For the strongest chance at correcting trial errors on appeal, investing in a highly qualified Pittsburgh traffic lawyer is paramount. They possess the skills to craft powerful briefs that emphasize your ca an identical legal conundrum;
  • Cases where the Superior Court’s verdict stands in contrast to a precedent set by the higher courts, including prior PA Supreme Court or U.S. Supreme Court decisions;
  • Fresh legal territories uncharted by the state Supreme Court;
  • Concerns of great public interest or constitutional quandaries;
  • Or when the decision appears to be glaringly misguided.

These triggers for the Supreme Court’s intervention may seem similar, yet they harbor nuanced distinctions. Adeptly highlighting these subtleties can tip the scales towards a successful appeal petition.

Should the Pennsylvania Supreme Court agree  to listen to a case, the scales of justice sway significantly. Compared to ordinary appellate procedures, this court has a robust record of flipping decisions made by the Superior Court.

What sets the Supreme Court apart? Aside from its other roles, it is known for its commitment to oral arguments—an arena not for the timid advocate. Armed with granular knowledge of every case, the Justices’ incisive questioning can ruthlessly reveal any cracks in an argument.

Applying for an Appeal in Pittsburgh: Set Realistic Expectations

When stepping into the appeal labyrinth, carry balanced expectations. Often, the gears of justice have meshed as intended, and the initial ruling stands firm. An appeal isn’t simply a second bite at the cherry for well-decided cases.

Furthermore, the alleged error under scrutiny in your appeal must have the potential to be flipped — ‘reversible’ in legal parlance. For instance, a jury’s perception of facts typically remains untouched, as higher courts defer to their discernment. Rather, reversible faults usually lie in legal misinterpretations by the presiding judge or the attorneys.

Thus, while appealing to Pennsylvania’s highest court may be a viable step, it requires a careful understanding of the system’s intricacies, coupled with precise and strategic legal maneuvering.

Obtaining a fresh trial

In the event of a successful appeal by a criminal defendant, they might be awarded a fresh trial. As previously noted,fresh trials are solely feasible if the error identified on appeal can be rectified. For instance, imagine prosecutors presented unlawfully obtained evidence presented in your trial which the judge admitted despite your protests. If we then appeal, arguing that the evidence should not have been admitted due to its illegal procurement, and our appeal succeeds, the appellate court may order a new trial, where the contaminated evidence is excluded.evidence, If the evidence is crucial and its exclusion causes the prosecutor’s case to collapse, rendering it unable to substantiate the charges against you, the appellate court may opt to dismiss the case entirely.

Alternatively, if the trial error stems from prosecution misconduct , where prosecutors breach legal standards or engage in unethical practices, it’s grounds for appeal. Courts, aiming to hold prosecutors accountable and prevent future misconduct, may choose to dismiss cases rather than simply granting new trials in such instances.

Seeking a New Sentence

Many convicted defendants prioritize obtaining a fair sentence over pursuing new trials. While numerous laws and statutes govern sentencing procedures, judges retain a degree of discretion when imposing sentences. If the judge in your criminal trial strays from sentencing guidelines, you have the option to appeal for a new sentence.

The likelihood of successfully appealing an erroneous sentence hinges on the charges and the nature of the sentencing. Some sentences are mandated by law, leaving little room for adjustment. However, if the judge departed from legal provisions or sentencing guidelines, we must demonstrate their lack of authority to do so. It’s essential to recognize that appellate courts exercise caution when evaluating the actions of other judges. To secure a new sentence, we must present compelling evidence to the appellate court, showcasing a significant error made by the judge.

Facing a Denied Appeal

Acknowledging the difficulty of overturning a criminal conviction through appeal is crucial. Many convicted individuals find their appeals unsuccessful, often spending years exhausting all available avenues. Nevertheless, the prospect of challenging a conviction should not be dismissed, particularly if a legal error occurred that warrants correction.

Maintaining a realistic perspective on the potential outcomes of an appeal is essential. Even if successful, facing the possibility of a retrial and potential reconviction is a reality. Furthermore, any resentencing may not significantly differ from the initial sentence. Engaging in thorough discussions with your attorney regarding the prospects of your appeal is advised. Despite the challenging odds, exercising your right to appeal remains imperative.

Seek Guidance from Our Skilled Pittsburgh Criminal Appeals Attorneys

Expert Representation for Your Appeal Needs

Navigating the intricacies of a criminal appeal in Pittsburgh requires the deft touch of a seasoned legal expert like Sean Logue. Clients may be tempted to challenge every possible aspect of their case, and less seasoned attorneys might succumb to this approach. However, such a strategy can backfire by giving the impression of desperation rather than a reasoned argument to appellate judges already burdened with substantial caseloads. The effective tactic is a selective one, focusing only on arguments that have a substantial chance of yielding a reversal or a new trial. If there’s uncertainty about the merits of your claim or its appropriateness for an appeal, we invite you to engage with us for a detailed consultation.

Consult with Our Dedicated Team on Your Appeal

Whether it is you or a loved one seeking to overturn a wrongful conviction, the support of a well-versed Pittsburgh criminal appeals lawyer is vital. Logue Law Group is ready to dissect and analyze the details of your case. You can reach out to our dedicated team for a no-cost case assessment by calling 844.PITT.DUI Don’t delay in beginning the conversation that could set the stage for a favorable turn in your legal journey.

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Sean is the best criminal defense lawyer ever! He answered all questions and returned all calls and texts. He was informed. He was attentive and got us an outcome that we never expected! Want someone who will fight for you and protect your rights? If yes, then Sean Logue is the attorney you want on...

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Sean is the best criminal defense lawyer ever! He answered all questions and returned all calls and texts. He was informed. He was attentive and got us an outcome that we never expected! Want someone who will fight for you and protect your rights? If yes, then Sean Logue is the attorney you want on...

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Attorney Logue represented me well and took care of my legal issues superbly. He is a no-nonsense, very knowledgeable and well respected lawyer. I was pleased with his services. Would definitely recommend Attorney Logue to others.

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After fighting a ticket from hell that cost me my job, thousands in debt from having no job and threatening my present career, Sean Logue stepped in and the case was dismissed. It's a huge relief to have his professionalism and know-how in your corner!

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